Early this morning, locals and visitors of Fort William noticed something odd growing in the shadows of Ben Nevis. On closer inspection it appeared to be beans (normally found in far warmer climates such as Brazil or Kenya). Some locals took it upon themselves to roast up the beans to see what they’d taste like in a brew.

To their surprise, however when they had finished up roasting the beans and allowed them to cool, they could not believe their eyes! The beans had turned multicoloured in a tartan pattern! Locals are still arguing over which clan’s tartan it resembles as this is being written but we here at Edinburgh Tea & Coffee Company can say one thing for sure…



 Sorry folks, we’re just as disappointed as you that there won’t be any tartan coffee coming to the shelves this year. But we do have the next best thing (if we say so ourselves). Why don’t you try out our Whisky Flavoured Coffee, available on our store right now.
